Indonesian Students Launch Satellites in the Netherlands on 2010

Ability students abroad enough plume name the country. Dwi Hartanto, students master the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands, planned to be launched nanosatelit called Delfi-n3Xt in mid-2010.

Previously, nanosatelit Delfi-C3 also successfully launched in the year 2008. Nanosatelit is claimed as the first artificial satellite in the Dutch students who successfully mengorbit earth.

Rahmadi, PPI the Deputy Secretary General of the Netherlands, delivered the information to Persda network via electronic mail after Kolokium PPI Delft (Delft COFFEE) held by the routine of the Indonesian Students in Delft, the Netherlands, last week. "Dwi nanosatelit making out research, from the design, features required, and the mission launch," said Rahmadi.

According to him, the success of one of the students such as Dwi of Indonesia origin should diapresisasi. Section, the research is properly awakened by three major pillars, namely education institutions, government, and industry.
On the same occasion, colleagues Dwi, Aryo Primagati, who currently works as a telecommunications engineer at Isis (Innovative Solutions In Space), a small company founded TU Delft alumni who are involved in the project nanosatelit Delfi-C3, says that making research nanosatelit be very suitable scale research projects in universities. In addition to a more simple design on the size of the smaller funds that are required also far smaller than conventional satellites.

Just for the sake of comparison, Aryo said that to build and launch a satellite required normal cost millions of euros (tens to hundreds of billions of rupiah) with a time of 5-10 years. As for nanosatelit, Delfi as Delfi-C3 or n3Xt, only takes one to two years with the development cost of about 100 up to 200,000 euros (about Rp 1.5 to Rp 3 billion).

At the end of the session COFFEE Delft presentation at this time, Dedy Wicaksono, post-doctoral researcher at the TU Delft, explain their vision and ambition with an idea for a project nanosatelit to students who are named inspire (Korean Nano-Satellite Platform Initiative for Research and Education) .

Given that Indonesia has a way of outer space research since decades 1960s. The idea brought by Dedy with colleagues is to create a consortium that consists of various universities in Indonesia, the research institutions of government, and of course from the industry partner as a sponsor funding.

Senada with Dedy, Aryo also inspire the launch of a mission rate 1 should not require too damned difficult mission. In fact, other than as an amateur radio communications satellite, Delfi-C3 mission that is as technology development and Demonstration. About the problem of funding, it would need to look for the best solution. The one that is already planned to submit a project proposal to inspire the various stakeholders in the country.

Events Kolokium PPI Delft or often abbreviated COFFEE Delft is a bi weekly regular session held by The Student at Delft, Netherlands. (yondaryono, persdanetwork)
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